Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Israeli National Laundry Day

Diaspora Jews celebrate National Laundry Day tomorrow.

Wash #1 was in the machine before I went to sleep, and #2 went in before dawn. There will be an orgy of sorting and folding clean laundry this afternoon or evening. I have to find just the right movie dvd or tv show to keep me seated.

I like to have all signs of Passover packed away as soon as possible. If I don't get them when enthusiasm is high, they just get shuffled around my anarchic mess. I hear the sound of the spin, meaning that I'll probably be out hanging wash in just a few minutes. I've offered neighbors use of my clotheslines, but I don't think there's room for other washes today. Water conservation will also have to wait. Let the garden dry out. We can't have dirty laundry.

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