Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Need a Little Vitamin HH; Vitamin KCC is Available

I began noticing a lowering of numbers, no, not my weight unfortunately,  other numbers, visitors to my blogs.  So I decided that it was time for an energy boost.  I gave Jack a "call" asking if he needs a hostess for Havel Havelim.  I figured he'd give me a date in a month or more, but surprise, I have it the week after this upcoming one.  If you'd like some Vitamin KCC, please let me know.

And while I'm mentioning blog carnivals, how could I ignore the Kosher Cooking Carnival which will be by Pesky, any time now.


Keli Ata said...

There's something wrong with J Blog. I've noticed that the number of views for most of the blogs, mine and even the most popular are way, way down.

Sometimes the most popular blogs of the day have only 15-25 views lately.

My views typically average around 15-16 with ratings around 50-60 or a bit higher.

Now they're mostly ratings of only 5-10.

Batya said...

Thanks keli, so it's nothing personal. I thought that it was just me. I got almost no hits from the latest HH. It could be that her regular readers don't go for the political stuff. Her readers would probably be more interested in KCC.

Other HH hosts, which have humongous readerships don't bring many hits, because their readers don't want to read other opinions.

KCC is great because food words bring lots of google searches.