Monday, February 23, 2009

They Noticed!?!

There's nothing more reasuring and encouraging than a compliment. Last night at a wedding, people did say that there seemed to be "less" of me. It seems like my Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet is helping.

I probably overdid my protein allowance last night, and I shouldn't have had that drink from the bar. But all things considered, and considering the temptations, I was a good girl.

Extra good, actually. One should give compliments, not just receive them. The band was great. I've known this band for well over twenty years, and it just gets better and better. So I went over to one of the musicians, whom I know, and told him that I'm impressed at how much better they've gotten. And I like how they "reinvent" themselves musically. His reply:

"I've waited my whole life for someone to say that."
His reply made me feel even better.

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