Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How About More Sleep?

Here's another article about ADHD and alternative treatments. It mentions diet, bio-feedback, vitamins and other conventional non-conventional alternatives.]

Maybe I missed it, not being all that alert myself, but did they mention the only non-chemical, non-biological, totally free alternative treatment? It's called sleep!

Insufficient sleep can and does cause symptoms that mimic ADHD including, concentration, memory and impulsively problems. That's it in a nutshell.

When I was doing my teachers license, I did a research project/presentation on it. A simple internet search for the ramifications/results of insufficient sleep gave me a list of symptoms identical to ADHD. That's why it has reached epidemic proportions. True, primary ADHD is very rare. What we see and suffer from is more secondary and even tertiary, the result of too much sugar and caffeine and not enough sleep.

To sleep well, caffeine, sugar and strenuous exercise should be earlier in the day. Everyone should walk more and other physical activities which utilize the entire body. Keyboard tapping and computer games won't give anyone a full-night's sleep. Don't nap, either.

When I was a kid we could spend all of our free time outside playing with friends, riding bikes, skating, walking, running. We weren't restricted. Until I was in the 8th grade and moved to Great Neck, I walked to school. ADHD was very rare.

Yes, try to move the clock back. Create an environment that is healthy, physically and mentally. Don't give up.


Leora said...

Good, balanced article.

I'm reading your post on a day that I did not get a good night sleep. Anxiety, I'm sure. Hopefully, I will relax soon and get better sleep. Not always easy to manage our moods.

I've seen friends experiment with their children's diet (taking child off artificial colors or giving fish oils). In both cases, it helped a bit, especially the diet modification, but it was REALLY hard to keep it up. Junk food is everywhere, and few people want to limit our food choices.

Anonymous said...

I am going to surprise you (and myself) and NOT comment on this. But just to say - there was a good amount of ADHD when we were young, it was just not diagnosed.

And hope you are feeling better. Did you test today?

Batya said...

leora, thanks, I have my son kelp and brewers yeast. It helped a bit; ritalin didn't.

sara g, ADHD was rare in my childhood. Classes were homogeneous which reduced frustration. There were also few distractions. I went to public school. The 6 hour school day, including lunch, was long enough.

No, I didn't "test." Lost my voice and couldn't.