Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Bissel Repairs

Baruch Hashem, Thank G-d, I shouldn't complain. When we built this house we got a contractor who promised quality. We ended up paying more than most per meter, but after over twenty years in the house, we've shelled out a lot less on repairs.

Now we're having some work done on the wood trim around the roof. I can't remember the term in English. In Hebrew it's an "argaz ruach," wind box. No, I don't know where the Hebrew came from. Maybe the earlier sloped/shingled roofs here weren't well-sealed, and the wood was put up to keep he wind from blowing over the top of the house, like in insulation.


So we have this wood trim around the house. About fifteen years ago, some then new immigrants from Russia made a present of painting the trim. I paid for the paint and they worked. They also fixed the succah. I'm supposed to be embarrassed to say that we haven't had it painted since, a definite no, no in terms of wood care. Around seven years ago, a couple of pieces of wood needed replacing, and we had that done. But that's it, and we've been in the house 22 1/2 years. So, I guess, we're extremely lucky.

The "argaz ruach" by the front door was all open and broken. I asked a couple of people to fix it, but they said that they'd never find the time. Then just a few weeks ago, a neighbor put up an ad for his son's "wood business." It mentioned "argazei ruach" as one of the things they fix. So, he was hired, and he and his worker are painting all around our house and replacing the bad and missing boards.

So far, so good.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got your money's worth! Hopefully the only "work" that will be done on the house will be renovations of your choosing :)

Leora said...

I am trying to figure out what an argaz ruach is. An argaz is in Samuel:
A small box such as that in which the Philistines placed their golden mice and other offerings in returning the Ark (1 Sam 6:8,11,15).

A wind box? Is this anything like a gutter? Or trim? molding? boxed eave? soffit?

Batya said...

t, thanks

leora, This Is What's Being Fixed. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Pesky Settler said...

e young man's name and number? I'll most likely be needing his services and I'd like to get a price quote to take to my landlord: devo at kessin dot com.

Batya said...

pesky, if you didn't get my email, give me a call, and I'll give you a number