Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Moi? A Finalist?

Yes, since apparently I am, in the kosher blog field, I guess I ought to post something about kosher food and why I began the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Yes, that was the link for posting to it. Hint! Hint! I have the complete listing on my sidebar. So far, 17 KCC's have seen the light of the computer screen. I must admit that I couldn't have done it myself and I'd like to thank the various guest-hosts, 7 in all.

I'll host May, and the Balehoosteh has requested a repeat appearance in June. I'm looking for someone to take July, while I'm keeping the mitzvah of Kibbud Av v'Em. If you're interested, please let me know.

To be honest, I admit that this isn't a "food blog." It's just that periodically I post recipes and other food related posts, all kosher, of course.

I consider the KCC as a service to all jbloggers, in that it deals with all aspects of kosher food, including halachik aspects, traditions, menus and alerts. You can rant, too, like I do whenever shmitta is mentioned. And considering that next year is one of those years, you'll be reading lots of kvetching from yours truly. And if you like, or don't mind, shmitta, then you can criticize me. I'm not perfect.

Oops! Must get ready to go to work!

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