Thursday, June 08, 2006

Everyone wants to know about Shiloh Pitt

I've had an unprecedented amount of visitors to this blog because of Shiloh Pitt. Sorry, but my specialty is the ancient-modern city of Shiloh, the Biblical spot, which is where I live. In Hebrew, it's pronounced shee' low.

Most of my neighbors seems rather oblivious to the fact that such a famous baby is carrying the name of our town. In Israel, Shiloh is a name usually given to males, though one of the original families to move here after the town was re-established named their daughter Sheelah, which, in Hebrew is spelled the same.

The letters are: shin, yud, lamed, heh
Israelis who aren't familiar with the Bible sometimes miss-pronounce it as "Sheelah."

I'm sure the Pitt-Jolie fans will be searching for another few days, until their curiosity is satisfied. Sorry I can't help you.

Top 5 Keywords:
shiloh (Google)
shiloh pitt (Google)
shiloh (Google)
shiloh pitt (Google)
shiloh pitt (Google)


YMedad said...

And don't forget the problems we have had at election time. There's another community closer to the Modi'in area called Shilat and we've had voters sent here by clerks who can't read properly and in some cases, because they aren't registered here, they've lost out on their right to vote.

Batya said...

Yes, and those from Shilat finding themselves registered here. And the public transportation between the two is terribly complicated.