Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How I do HH vs the latest Carnival of the Vanities

My grandmotherly little advice on babies was included in the latest Carnival of the Vanities.

There's a real variety of posts, and he put it together very simply. I always compare all these other carnivals to my efforts at Heval Hevalim, and even though I really got a kick of how he listed them including time sent/received, I couldn't do it.

I consider constructing my Havel Havelim editions like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle when you know neither how many pieces you will have nor what it's supposed to look like. With each link or recommendation I get more of a picture, but nothing's certain until the end. I try to match posts by similarity or contrast, and then I almost always have to play around and change orders and paragraphs. When it starts taking shape, I have to go through it anew every time a new post arrives.

And then I have the major dilemma, how many of my own posts?

Oy, such problems.

Enjoy and Chodesh Tov,
Have a good (lunar) month.

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