Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Eighth Day of Chanukah, Thank G-d for The Rain

It's hard to believe that this is the last day of Chanukah until next year.

Yesterday, I took a little walk around the neighborhood. To be honest, even though I was fully armed with my camera and phone, which in today's world is also a camera, I didn't take any pictures until I finished the circuit and was finally home. It's not that my garden is nicer than any other. The truth is that my garden is one of the ugliest and most neglected in all of Shiloh. But there was a time when I planted trees, roses and flowers.

They definitely need pruning and care, but this year is Shmitta, when neglectful, lazy gardeners have a good excuse not to do anything at all in the garden. But still, G-d sends us rain, and there's nothing more beautiful than the winter green that shows in a well-rain-watered garden, even mine.

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